// Name: HtmlEditorExtender.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// (function () { var scriptName = 'HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior'; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior = function (element) { /// /// Html Extender behavior which Extends TextBox /// /// The element to attach to Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._textbox = Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.get_Wrapper(element); var id = this.get_id(); this._backColor = null; this._foreColor = null; this._commandName = null; this._savedRange = null; this._isInFocus = null; this._oldContents = null; this._newContents = null; this._isDirty = false; this._viewMode = 'content'; this._displaySourceTab = false; this._ButtonWidth = 23; this._ButtonHeight = 21; this._containerTemplate = { nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderContainer' }, cssClasses: ['unselectable', 'ajax__html_editor_extender_container'] }; this._editableTemplate = { nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderContentEditable', style: { overflow: 'auto', clear: 'both' }, contentEditable: true }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_texteditor'] }; this._sourceViewTemplate = { nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderSourceView', style: { height: '90%', overflow: 'auto', clear: 'both' }, contentEditable: true }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_texteditor'] }; this._buttonTemplate = { nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', style: { width: this._ButtonWidth + 'px', height: this._ButtonHeight + 'px' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button'] }; this._buttonContentTemplate = { nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', style: { width: this._ButtonWidth + 'px', height: this._ButtonHeight + 'px' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_content'] }; this._buttonSourceTemplate = { nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', style: { width: this._ButtonWidth + 'px', height: this._ButtonHeight + 'px' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_source'] }; this._textboxTemplate = { nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'text' } }; this._dropDownTemplate = { nodeName: 'select', properties: { style: { width: this._ButtonWidth + 'px', height: this._ButtonHeight + 'px' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button'] }; this._topButtonContainerTemplate = { nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderButtonContainer' }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_buttoncontainer'] }; this._topButtonContainerTemplate2 = { nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderButtonContainer2', style: { clear: 'both' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_buttoncontainer2'] }; this._container = null; this._toolbarButtons = null; this._editableDiv = null; this._sourceViewDiv = null; this._topButtonContainer = null; this._topButtonContainer2 = null; this._buttons = []; this._btnClickHandler = null; this._requested_buttons = new Array(); this._colorPicker = null; this._txtBoxForColor = null; this._contentViewButton = null; this._sourceViewButton = null; this._popupDiv = null; this._btnDone = null; this._btnCancel = null; this._isFocusInEditableDiv = false; this._textBoxOnBlurDelegate = null; this._editableDivOnBlurDelegate = null; this._editableDivOnFocusDelegate = null; this._btnClickDelegate = null; this._contentViewClickDelegate = null; this._sourceViewClickDelegate = null; this._sourceViewDivOnBlurDelegate = null; this._imageCancelClickDelegate = null; if ((typeof (WebForm_OnSubmit) == 'function') && !Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior._originalWebForm_OnSubmit) { Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior._originalWebForm_OnSubmit = WebForm_OnSubmit; WebForm_OnSubmit = Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.WebForm_OnSubmit; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function () { Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); HtmlEditorExtender_editableDivs[HtmlEditorExtender_editableDivs.length] = this; this._button_list = new Array(); this._createContainer(); this._createTopButtonContainer(); this._createButton(); this._createEditableDiv(); if (this.get_displaySourceTab()) { this._createSourceViewDiv(); this._createTopButtonContainer2(); } var formElement = this._textbox._element.parentNode; while (formElement != null && formElement.nodeName != 'FORM') { formElement = formElement.parentNode; } if (formElement == null) throw 'Missing Form tag'; var id = this.get_id(); this._popupDiv = $get(id + '_popupDiv'); if (this._popupDiv == null) { if (id.indexOf('_') != -1) { id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); } else { id = ''; } this._popupDiv = $get(id + '_popupDiv'); } if (this._popupDiv != null) { this._popupBehavior = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupBehavior, { 'id': id + '_ImagePopupBehavior', 'parentElement': this.get_element(), 'unselectable': 'on' }, null, null, this._popupDiv); this._btnCancel = $get(id + '_btnCancel'); this._imageCancelClickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._btnCancel_click); $addHandler(this._btnCancel, 'click', this._imageCancelClickDelegate, true); this._elementVisible(this._popupDiv, false); } this._textBoxOnBlurDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._textBox_onblur); this._editableDivOnBlurDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._editableDiv_onblur); this._editableDivOnFocusDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._editableDiv_onfocus); this._btnClickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._executeCommand); if (this.get_displaySourceTab()) { this._contentViewClickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._contentView_click); this._sourceViewClickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._sourceView_click); this._sourceViewDivOnBlurDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._sourceViewDiv_onblur); } $addHandler(this._textbox._element, 'blur', this._textBoxOnBlurDelegate, true); $addHandler(this._editableDiv, 'blur', this._editableDivOnBlurDelegate, true); $addHandler(this._editableDiv, 'focus', this._editableDivOnFocusDelegate, true); $addHandler(this._topButtonContainer, 'click', this._btnClickDelegate, true); if (this.get_displaySourceTab()) { $addHandler(this._contentViewButton, 'click', this._contentViewClickDelegate, true); $addHandler(this._sourceViewButton, 'click', this._sourceViewClickDelegate, true); $addHandler(this._sourceViewDiv, 'blur', this._sourceViewDivOnBlurDelegate, true); } }, _dispose: function () { $removeHandler(this._textbox._element, 'blur', this._textBoxOnBlurDelegate); $removeHandler(this._editableDiv, 'blur', this._editableDivOnBlurDelegate); $removeHandler(this._editableDiv, 'focus', this._editableDivOnFocusDelegate); $removeHandler(this._topButtonContainer, 'click', this._btnClickDelegate); if (this.get_displaySourceTab()) { $removeHandler(this._contentViewButton, 'click', this._contentViewClickDelegate); $removeHandler(this._sourceViewButton, 'click', this._sourceViewClickDelegate); $removeHandler(this._sourceViewDiv, 'blur', this._sourceViewDivOnBlurDelegate); } if (this._popupDiv != null) { $removeHandler(this._btnCancel, 'click', this._imageCancelClickDelegate); } Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, _createContainer: function () { var e = this.get_element(); this._container = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._containerTemplate, e.parentNode); this._elementVisible(this._textbox._element, true); var bounds = $common.getBounds(this._textbox._element); $common.setSize(this._container, { width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }); this._elementVisible(this._textbox._element, false); $common.wrapElement(this._textbox._element, this._container, this._container); }, _createTopButtonContainer: function () { this._topButtonContainer = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._topButtonContainerTemplate, this._container); }, _createButton: function () { var isIE = Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer; for (i = 0; i < this._toolbarButtons.length; i++) { var _btn; if (this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName == 'HorizontalSeparator') { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "span", cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_separator'] }, this._topButtonContainer); } else if (this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName == 'FontName') { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "nobr", properties: { style: { float: 'left', cssFloat: 'left', fontSize: '11px' } }, cssClasses: ['fontnameclass'], children: [{ nodeName: "span", properties: { textContent: "Font ", innerText: "Font ", style: { paddingLeft: '5px', fontWeight: 'bold' } } }] }, this._topButtonContainer); _select = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "select", properties: { style: { fontSize: '9px', fontFamily: 'Arial', height: "20px", width: '90px' } }, events: { change: function (e) { var value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; setTimeout(function () { document.execCommand("fontname", false, value); }, 200); } } }, _btn); var option = [ { Text: "Arial", Value: "arial,helvetica,sans-serif" }, { Text: "Courier New", Value: "courier new,courier,monospace" }, { Text: "Georgia", Value: "georgia,times new roman,times,serif" }, { Text: "Tahoma", Value: "tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif" }, { Text: "Times New Roman", Value: "times new roman,times,serif" }, { Text: "Verdana", Value: "verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif" }, { Text: "Impact", Value: "impact" }, { Text: "WingDings", Value: "wingdings" } ]; for (x in option) { var elOptNew = document.createElement('option'); elOptNew.text = option[x].Text; elOptNew.value = option[x].Value; try { _select.add(elOptNew, null); // standards compliant; doesn't work in IE } catch (ex) { _select.add(elOptNew); // IE only } } _select.setAttribute('id', this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); _select.setAttribute('name', this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); _select.setAttribute('title', this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip); _select.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } else if (this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName == 'FontSize') { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "nobr", properties: { style: { float: 'left', cssFloat: 'left', fontSize: '11px' } }, cssClasses: ['fontsizeclass'], children: [{ nodeName: "span", properties: { textContent: "Size ", innerText: "Size ", style: { paddingLeft: '5px', fontWeight: 'bold' } } }] }, this._topButtonContainer); _select = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "select", properties: { style: { fontSize: '11px', fontFamily: 'Arial', height: "20px", width: isIE ? '30px' : '50px' } }, events: { change: function (e) { var value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; setTimeout(function () { document.execCommand("fontsize", false, value); }, 200); } } }, _btn); var option = [ { Text: "1", Value: "1" }, { Text: "2", Value: "2" }, { Text: "3", Value: "3" }, { Text: "4", Value: "4" }, { Text: "5", Value: "5" }, { Text: "6", Value: "6" }, { Text: "7", Value: "7" } ]; for (x in option) { var elOptNew = document.createElement('option'); elOptNew.text = option[x].Text; elOptNew.value = option[x].Value; try { _select.add(elOptNew, null); // standards compliant; doesn't work in IE } catch (ex) { _select.add(elOptNew); // IE only } } _select.setAttribute('id', this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); _select.setAttribute('name', this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); _select.setAttribute('title', this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip); _select.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } else if (this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName == 'ForeColor') { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "span", properties: { style: { backgroundColor: '#ff0000', border: 'solid 1px #c2c2c2', display: 'block', float: 'left', cssFloat: 'left' } }, cssClasses: ['forecolorclass'] }, this._topButtonContainer); _btn.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); this._foreColor = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', id: this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, name: this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, title: this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip, style: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', width: '21px', height: '19px', color: 'transparent' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_' + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName] }, _btn); this._foreColor.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); /* this._foreColor = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._buttonTemplate, _btn); this._foreColor.setAttribute('id', this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); this._foreColor.setAttribute('name', this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); this._foreColor.setAttribute('title', this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip); this._foreColor.setAttribute('style', "background-color:transparent;width:21px;height:19px"); this._foreColor.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); -------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> THIS CODE IS CAUSE AN ISSUES ON IE7 -------------------------------------------------- this._foreColor.setAttribute('class', 'ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_' + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName); */ } else if (this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName == 'BackColor') { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "span", properties: { style: { backgroundColor: '#ff0000', border: 'solid 1px #c2c2c2', display: 'block', float: 'left', cssFloat: 'left' } }, cssClasses: ['backcolorclass'] }, this._topButtonContainer); _btn.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); this._backColor = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', id: this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, name: this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, title: this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip, style: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', width: '21px', height: '19px', color: 'transparent' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_' + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName] }, _btn); this._backColor.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } else { var map = { Copy: 1, Cut: 1, Paste: 1 }; if (Sys.Browser.agent != Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer && map[this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName]) { } else { _btn = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'input', properties: { type: 'button', id: this._id + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, name: this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName, title: this._toolbarButtons[i].Tooltip, style: { width: '23px', height: '21px' } }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_button ajax__html_editor_extender_' + this._toolbarButtons[i].CommandName] }, this._topButtonContainer); _btn.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } Array.add(this._buttons, _btn); } } }, _createEditableDiv: function () { var id = this.get_id(); var height; this._elementVisible(this._container, true); if (this.get_displaySourceTab()) { height = this._container.clientHeight - (this._topButtonContainer.clientHeight + 25); } else { height = this._container.clientHeight - this._topButtonContainer.clientHeight; } this._elementVisible(this._container, false); this._editableDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderContentEditable', style: { height: height + 'px', overflow: 'auto', clear: 'both' }, contentEditable: true }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_texteditor'] }, this._container); this._textbox._element.value = this._textbox._element.value.replace('&amp;', '&'); this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._textbox._element.value; this._oldContents = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; $common.setVisible(this._textbox._element, false); }, _createTopButtonContainer2: function () { this._topButtonContainer2 = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._topButtonContainerTemplate2, this._container); this._contentViewButton = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._buttonContentTemplate, this._topButtonContainer2); this._sourceViewButton = $common.createElementFromTemplate(this._buttonSourceTemplate, this._topButtonContainer2); }, _createSourceViewDiv: function () { var id = this.get_id(); var height = this._container.clientHeight - 25; this._sourceViewDiv = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: id + '_ExtenderSourceView', style: { height: height + 'px', overflow: 'auto', clear: 'both' }, contentEditable: true }, cssClasses: ['ajax__html_editor_extender_texteditor'] }, this._container); $common.setVisible(this._sourceViewDiv, false); }, _editableDiv_onblur: function () { this._textbox._element.value = this._encodeHtml(); this._isFocusInEditableDiv = false; if (this._oldContents != this._editableDiv.innerHTML) { this._isDirty = true; this._oldContents = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; this._raiseEvent('change'); } }, _editableDiv_onfocus: function () { this._isFocusInEditableDiv = false; }, _sourceViewDiv_onblur: function () { if (this._oldContents != (this._sourceViewDiv.innerText || this._sourceViewDiv.textContent)) { this._isDirty = true; if (this._sourceViewDiv.textContent != undefined) { this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._sourceViewDiv.textContent; } else { this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._sourceViewDiv.innerText; } this._oldContents = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; this._raiseEvent('change'); } }, _textBox_onblur: function () { this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._textbox._element.value; }, _contentView_click: function () { if (this._viewMode != 'content') { $common.setVisible(this._topButtonContainer, true); $common.setVisible(this._editableDiv, true); if (this._sourceViewDiv.textContent != undefined) { this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._sourceViewDiv.textContent; } else { this._editableDiv.innerHTML = this._sourceViewDiv.innerText; } this._oldContents = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; $common.setVisible(this._sourceViewDiv, false); this._viewMode = 'content'; } }, _sourceView_click: function () { if (this._viewMode != 'source') { $common.setVisible(this._sourceViewDiv, true); if (this._sourceViewDiv.textContent != undefined) { this._sourceViewDiv.textContent = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; } else { this._sourceViewDiv.innerText = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; } this._oldContents = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; $common.setVisible(this._editableDiv, false); $common.setVisible(this._topButtonContainer, false); this._viewMode = 'source'; } }, _btnCancel_click: function () { this._popupBehavior.hide(); }, _attributes: { style: 'st_yle_', size: 'si_ze_', color: 'co_lor_', face: 'fa_ce_', align: 'al_ign_' }, _rgbToHex: function (s) { var a = /rgb\s?\(\s?(\d+)\s?,\s?(\d+)\s?,\s?(\d+)\s?\)/.exec(s); return '#' + (parseInt(a[3], 10) | (parseInt(a[2], 10) << 8) | (parseInt(a[1], 10) << 16)).toString(16); }, _encodeHtml: function () { var isIE = Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer; var elements = this._editableDiv.getElementsByTagName('*'); var element; for (var i = 0; element = elements[i]; i++) { try { element.className = ''; element.removeAttribute('class'); } catch (ex) { } try { element.id = ''; element.removeAttribute('id'); } catch (ex) { } try { element.removeAttribute('width'); } catch (ex) { } if (isIE) { } } var html = this._editableDiv.innerHTML; if (isIE) { var allTags = /\<[^\>]+\>/g; html = html.replace(allTags, function (tag) { var sQA = ''; var nQA = ''; if (tag.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2) != ']*)/g; //non double quoted attributes return tag.replace(sQA, '="$1"').replace(nQA, '=$1'); } else { return tag; } }); } var fixRGB = this._rgbToHex; var replaceRGB = function () { html = html.replace(/(\<[^\>]+)(rgb\s?\(\d{1,3}\s?\,\s?\d{1,3}\s?\,\s?\d{1,3}\s?\))([^\>]*\>)/gi, function (text, p1, p2, p3) { return (p1 || '') + ((p2 && fixRGB(p2)) || '') + (p3 || ''); }); }; replaceRGB(); replaceRGB(); html = html.replace(/\sclass\=\"\"/gi, '').replace(/\sid\=\"\"/gi, ''); html = html.replace(/\<(\/?)strong\>/gi, '<$1b>').replace(/\<(\/?)em\>/gi, '<$1i>'); html = html.replace(/&/ig, '&').replace(/\xA0/ig, ' '); html = html.replace(//ig, '>').replace(/\'/ig, ''').replace(/\"/ig, '"'); return html; }, _editableDiv_submit: function () { var char = 3; var sel = null; setTimeout(function () { if (this._editableDiv != null) this._editableDiv.focus(); }, 0); if (Sys.Browser.agent != Sys.Browser.Firefox) { if (document.selection) { sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.moveStart('character', char); sel.select(); } else { sel = window.getSelection(); sel.collapse(this._editableDiv.firstChild, char); } } this._textbox._element.value = this._encodeHtml(); }, _executeCommand: function (command) { if (command.target.name == undefined) return; var isFireFox = Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Firefox; var delcolorPicker_onchange = Function.createDelegate(this, this._colorPicker_onchange); if (isFireFox) { document.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false); } var map = { JustifyRight: 1, JustifyLeft: 1, JustifyCenter: 1, JustifyFull: 1, Indent: 1, Outdent: 1 }; if (map[command.target.name]) { try { document.execCommand(command.target.name, false, null); } catch (e) { if (e && e.result == 2147500037) { var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); var dummy = document.createElement('div'); var restoreSelection = false; dummy.style.height = '1px;'; if (range.startContainer.contentEditable == 'true') { window.getSelection().collapseToEnd(); restoreSelection = true; } var ceNode = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).startContainer; while (ceNode && ceNode.contentEditable != 'true') ceNode = ceNode.parentNode; if (!ceNode) throw 'Selected node is not editable!'; ceNode.insertBefore(dummy, ceNode.childNodes[0]); document.execCommand(command.target.name, false, null); dummy.parentNode.removeChild(dummy); if (restoreSelection) { window.getSelection().addRange(range); } } else if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(e); } } } else if (command.target.name == "createLink") { var url = prompt('Please insert URL', ''); if (url) { document.execCommand('createLink', false, url); } } else if (command.target.name == 'ForeColor') { this._commandName = command.target.name; this.saveSelection(); if (!this._foreColorPicker) { this._foreColorPicker = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.ColorPickerBehavior, { 'unselectable': 'on' }, {}, {}, this._foreColor); this._foreColorPicker.set_sample(this._foreColor.parentNode); this._foreColorPicker.add_colorSelectionChanged(delcolorPicker_onchange); } this._foreColorPicker.show(); } else if (command.target.name == 'BackColor') { this._commandName = command.target.name; this.saveSelection(); if (!this._backColorPicker) { this._backColorPicker = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.ColorPickerBehavior, { 'unselectable': 'on' }, {}, {}, this._backColor); this._backColorPicker.set_sample(this._backColor.parentNode); this._backColorPicker.add_colorSelectionChanged(delcolorPicker_onchange); } this._backColorPicker.show(); } else if (command.target.name == 'UnSelect') { if (isFireFox) { this._editableDiv.focus(); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.collapse(this._editableDiv.firstChild, 0); } else { document.execCommand(command.target.name, false, null); } } else if (command.target.name == 'InsertImage') { if (!this._isFocusInEditableDiv) { this._editableDiv.focus(); } this.saveSelection(); var components = Sys.Application.getComponents(); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.isInstanceOfType(component)) { if (component._popupBehavior._visible) return; } } this._elementVisible(this._popupDiv, true); this._popupBehavior.show(); $common.setStyle(this._popupDiv, { position: 'fixed', top: '', left: '', opacity: '1' }); } else { document.execCommand(command.target.name, false, null); } }, _colorPicker_onchange: function (e) { this.restoreSelection(); if (/backcolor/i.test(this._commandName)) { var isFireFox = Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Firefox; if (isFireFox) { document.execCommand('stylewithcss', false, true); document.execCommand("hilitecolor", false, "#" + e._selectedColor); document.execCommand('stylewithcss', false, false); } else { document.execCommand("backcolor", false, "#" + e._selectedColor); } } else document.execCommand(this._commandName, false, "#" + e._selectedColor); }, saveSelection: function () { if (window.getSelection)//non IE Browsers { this._savedRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); } else if (document.selection)//IE { this._savedRange = document.selection.createRange(); } }, restoreSelection: function () { this._isInFocus = true; if (this._savedRange != null) { if (window.getSelection)//non IE and there is already a selection { var s = window.getSelection(); if (s.rangeCount > 0) s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(this._savedRange); } else { if (document.createRange)//non IE and no selection { window.getSelection().addRange(this._savedRange); } else { if (document.selection)//IE { this._savedRange.select(); } } } } }, _elementVisible: function (obj, flag) { if (obj.tagName == 'FORM') return; if (flag) { if (obj.style.display == 'none') { obj.style.display = 'block'; obj.setAttribute('displayChanged', true); } if (obj.style.visibility == 'hidden') { obj.style.visibility = 'visible'; obj.setAttribute('visibleChanged', true); } this._elementVisible(obj.parentNode, true); } else { if (obj.getAttribute('displayChanged')) { obj.style.display = 'none'; obj.removeAttribute('displayChanged'); } if (obj.getAttribute('visibleChanged')) { obj.removeAttribute('visibleChanged'); } this._elementVisible(obj.parentNode, false); } }, _raiseEvent: function (eventName, eventArgs) { var handler = this.get_events().getHandler(eventName); if (handler) { if (!eventArgs) { eventArgs = Sys.EventArgs.Empty; } handler(this, eventArgs); } }, get_ButtonWidth: function () { return this._ButtonWidth; }, set_ButtonWidth: function (value) { if (this._ButtonWidth != value) { this._ButtonWidth = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ButtonWidth'); } }, get_ButtonHeight: function () { return this._ButtonHeight; }, set_ButtonHeight: function (value) { if (this._ButtonHeight != value) { this._ButtonHeight = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ButtonHeight'); } }, get_ToolbarButtons: function () { return this._toolbarButtons; }, set_ToolbarButtons: function (value) { if (this._toolbarButtons != value) { this._toolbarButtons = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ToolbarButtons'); } }, get_displaySourceTab: function () { return this._displaySourceTab; }, set_displaySourceTab: function (value) { if (this._displaySourceTab != value) { this._displaySourceTab = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('DisplaySourceTab'); } }, add_change: function (handler) { this.get_events().addHandler("change", handler); }, remove_change: function (handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler("change", handler); }, get_isDirty: function () { return this._isDirty; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior, { name: 'HtmlEditorExtender', parameters: [{ name: 'ToolbarButtons', type: 'HtmlEditorExtenderButton[]'}] }); var HtmlEditorExtender_editableDivs = new Array(); Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.WebForm_OnSubmit = function () { /// /// Wraps ASP.NET's WebForm_OnSubmit in order to encode tags prior to submission /// /// /// Result of original WebForm_OnSubmit /// var result = Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior._originalWebForm_OnSubmit(); if (result) { var components = Sys.Application.getComponents(); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.isInstanceOfType(component)) { component._editableDiv_submit(); } } } return result; }, Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.IsDirty = function () { var components = Sys.Application.getComponents(); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.isInstanceOfType(component)) { if (component._isDirty) return true; } } return false; }, ajaxClientUploadComplete = function (sender, e) { var htmlEditorExtender = null; var components = Sys.Application.getComponents(); for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HtmlEditorExtenderBehavior.isInstanceOfType(component)) { if (component._popupBehavior._visible) { htmlEditorExtender = component; i = component.length; } } } var postedUrl = e.get_postedUrl().replace('&', '&'); if (htmlEditorExtender != null) { htmlEditorExtender.restoreSelection(); if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { try { htmlEditorExtender._savedRange.pasteHTML(''); } catch (Error) { var node = document.createElement("img"); node.src = postedUrl; htmlEditorExtender._savedRange.insertNode(node); } } else { var node = document.createElement("img"); node.src = postedUrl; htmlEditorExtender._savedRange.insertNode(node); } if (sender._filesInQueue.length == sender._currentQueueIndex + 1) { while (sender._filesInQueue.length >= 1) { sender._filesInQueue[0].removeNodeFrom(sender._queueContainer); Array.removeAt(sender._filesInQueue, 0); } sender._showFilesCount(); sender._reset(); htmlEditorExtender._popupBehavior.hide(); } } }; } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ['ExtendedBase', 'ExtendedCommon'], execute); } else { execute(); } })();